Sunday, April 15, 2012

Self Regulatory Behavior

A self regulatory behavior that has always and still challenges me is time management.  I don't like to wait on people or an event so I always pile on the things that needs to be done and I end up being late.  I end up being late or behind because I always try to fit a square peg in a circle.  In other words, I always add too many things on my to do list when I know that it would never fit in the timing that I have to get it done.  For instance, I have tried to cram too many classes in this spring semester knowing that I have to work my full time job and have a young child that refuses to complete his homework without me sitting infront assisting him.  I believe I am finally getting it that the "Lord didn't do it all in one day and neither can I".  I've dropped a class or two and I am trying my best to stick to a time schedule, use a planner, and cut down the overtime at work.  I am also being more strict with my child to say "sit down and get it done now."  This allows him to finish his work in a timely manner which allows me more time to keep up with my schoolwork.  I have also drafted the chart about the hours of the day that my time is spent on and I am revamping it.  It has been a challenge.  My family always says the Slusher sisters don't know timing.  If timing is heritary I have a good excuse.  The bottom line is time management is extremely important and I am working diligently to fix my problem and to stay on the task I've given myself in a set timeframe.   I confuse myself because all my paperwork is always in order, but I can't get order on my time management.   

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